International Trade Statistics

Web Link International import-export statistics by countries and tariff codes (4 digits: free access; 6 digits previous registration)

TRADEMAP - Choose  Imports or Exports;  in "Single" insert product or tariff code; in "Country insert country - Yearly time series

Web Link World import-export statistics classified by country and tariiff code

COMTRADE - Search Route: data availability - by reporter -choose the country and year in the first column - check box "I have read Readme First" - Continue - in quick filter select the tariff code (4 to 6 figures)- search - select option HS 2002 - apply

Web Link EU import-export statistics classified by country and tariff code
Export Helpdesk
Web Link Latin America import-export statistics by country and tariff codes
ALADI- link to "estadísticas de comercio exterior por item arancelario"
Web Link Spain import-export statistics by tariff codes (in Spanish)
Chambers of Commerce-Customs -
Web Link Comparative analysis of statistics by country
United Nations-Infonation
Web Link Directory of Statistics Institutes classified by countries
Statistical sites on the web

International country information: statistics and directories